- 中國電建水電八局云南蒙自項目商品混凝
- 唐山LNG項目低溫蝶閥(12”及以上
- 大同煤礦集團朔州朔煤王坪煤電有限責任
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唐山LNG項目低溫蝶閥(12”及以上 正文內容
Project: COOEC Tangshan LNG Terminal Phase 1 Project Manual Cryogenic Butterfly Valve(12”and larger)
招標編號: 0704-2140JDCP0292/01
Bid No: 0704-2140JDCP0292/01
日??? 期:2021年3月18日
Date: Mar. 18th, 2021
1.Procurement& Tendering Center of CNOOC Procurement Dept. and CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinafter called “Tendering Agent”),for and on behalf of Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd (hereinafter called "Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of following equipment:
貨物名稱:低溫手動蝶閥(12寸及以上)87臺,其中12" 34臺、14" 17臺、16" 7臺、18" 4臺、20" 3臺、24" 1臺、32" 8臺、36" 1臺、40" 2臺、42" 10臺,磅級150LB。
Name of Goods: Manual Cryogenic Butterfly Valve(12”and larger) ,of which 12" 34 sets、14" 17 sets、16" 7 sets、18" 4 sets、20" 3 sets、24" 1 set、32" 8 sets、36" 1 set、40" 2 sets、42" 10 sets, Class 150LB.
Qty.: 87 sets
Delivery Schedule:
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory: the goods shall be loaded within 270 days from the date of the signing of the contract, and the?destination port is Tianjin Port, Tianjin, P.R.China.
For goods offered from within PRC customs territory: goods arrived at Tangshan LNG Terminal Phase 1 Project Site within 300 days after contract signed.
2.References and Qualification requirement:
1) Qualification requirement:
A. 投標人必須是具有獨立法人資格的低溫手動蝶閥制造商或代理商。
Bidder shall be manufacturer or authorized agent designated by manufacturer with the qualification of independent legal entity of Manual Cryogenic Butterfly Valve.
Independent legal entity requirements: Bidder from within the PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid business license, Organization Code Certificate and tax registration certificate. Bidder from outside the PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid independent legal entity certificate.
B. 代理商要求:如果投標人所投的貨物(低溫手動蝶閥)不是投標人自己制造的,投標人應得到貨物制造商的同意以及證明其在本次投標中唯一提供該貨物的正式授權書。如果產(chǎn)品是國內制造商生產(chǎn),則不接受代理商,僅接受制造商投標。
If the goods is not manufactured by bidder, the bidder shall obtain the only legal official authority of the manufacturer that the bidder could provide the goods for the bid in China. If the manufacturer is domestic, agent is not accepted and only the manufacturer as the bidder is accepted.
C.對產(chǎn)品制造商的要求:Requirements for product manufacturers
The manufacturer of the product shall meet the following requirements
Special Equipment Certificate: Domestic manufacture shall provide pressure piping component Manufacture License of Special Equipment released by the national authority agency of China (TS certificate), and the certificate shall be valid. The scope of certificate approval covers the scope of bidding.
Foreign manufacture shall provide the pressure piping component Type Test (-196℃) Report or Certification released by the national authority agency of China, When these are not available, there should be written commitment which providing it before supply. The certificate or report shall cover the scope of this bidding valve.
(2)低溫測試設施 Cryogenic testing facility: 閥門制造商應自主擁有低溫測試設施,要求投標人提供相關證明材料(例如設施的實物照片或其它證明材料),并提供以往LNG接收站項目供貨業(yè)績中與本次投標同類型產(chǎn)品的低溫測試報告。
The valve manufacturer shall have its own low temperature testing facilities, and the bidder is required to provide relevant certification materials (such as physical photos of the facilities or other certification materials), and provide the low temperature testing report of the same type of products in the supply performance of the LNG terminal project in the past and this tender.
(3)產(chǎn)品隨貨證書Certificate of accompanied goods
所有閥門的受壓元件應符合 EN10204/3.1 的要求,并隨貨提供 EN10204/3.1證書。
The pressure parts of all valves shall conform to the requirements of EN10204 / 3.1,? the Certificate of EN10204 / 3.1 shall be provided with the goods .
?Requirements of performance:
?Since January 1, 2010 to the deadline of the bid (according to the date of contract signature), the manufacturer shall have performance of the Cryogenic butterfly valves in at least three LNG receiving terminals (no less than 2 million tons/year) in china, and among them there is at least one contract of which has the total quantity of the Cryogenic butterfly valves no less than 10 sets, and there is at least 1 set of cryogenic butterfly valve with size ≥42" and class ≥150LB ?included in the same contract.
(2) 投標人須提交有效的業(yè)績表和相關證明文件(“1.合同復印件相關章節(jié)”和“2.用戶使用證明或用戶調試報告”。如前述1和2無法體現(xiàn)接收站名稱和規(guī)模,須提供其它證明接收站名稱和規(guī)模的公開發(fā)行文件)。業(yè)績證明文件必須至少體現(xiàn)以下內容:合同簽署時間、貨物名稱及類型(深冷蝶閥)、裝置名稱及規(guī)模(LNG接收站,不小于200萬噸/年)、供貨數(shù)量、閥門尺寸、磅級。未提交業(yè)績證明文件,或所提供的業(yè)績證明文件無法驗證前述業(yè)績信息,均視為無效業(yè)績。
The bidder shall submit valid performance tables and related documents (" 1.Copies of contract related sections?"and" 2. User usage certificate or user commissioning report ".If 1 and 2 above do not reflect the name and size of the receiving station, other public offering documents proving the name and size of the receiving station must be provided ").The performance certification documents must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing date, name and type of goods (Cryogenic butterfly valves), name and scale of the device (LNG receiving station, no less than 2 million tons/year), quantity of supply, valve size, pound class. Failure to submit the performance certification documents, or the performance certification documents provided cannot verify the aforementioned performance information, shall be deemed as invalid performance.
投標人提交能體現(xiàn)原產(chǎn)地和制造商的業(yè)績證明文件,包括1.合同復印件或2.報關單或3.原產(chǎn)地證明或4. BV、DNV、勞氏等國際知名第三方檢驗機構出具的報告,例如出廠檢驗報告、制造過程檢驗報告等。
The original place and manufacturer of cryogenic ball valves of the bidder’s quotation shall be in accordance with the original place and manufacturer of the cryogenic ball valves of the offered performance, and must be processed and inspected in the original place, OEM is forbidden.
To prove country of origin and manufacturer, Bidder shall provide the reference evidence, including 1.contract copies or 2. customs declaration or 3.place of origin certificate or 4. certified by a third authority such as Lloyd, BV or DNV or other internationally renowned authority, the certification include factory inspection report,?manufacturing process inspection report, etc.
Manufacturer shall have the ISO9001 quality management system certification and the certificate is valid. The agent shall have the ISO certificate of the product manufacturer. The scope of certification shall at least include producing or manufacturing for manual cryogenic butterfly valve (12”and larger). The quality management system certification provided by the bidder from within the PRC Customs Territory shall be verified on the website of China National Certification and Accreditation Administration . It will be rejected if the certification cannot be verified on the website.
4) 從中華人民共和國關境內提供的貨物:投標截止時間前已進口的貨物:不接受;投標人擬自行進口后銷售給招標人的貨物:不接受。
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory: For goods already imported prior to the deadline for?submission of bids(not allowed);Goods?that the bidder intends to import by itself and then sell it to the Tenderee?after import (not allowed).
從 2021年3月18日開始至2021年3月25日止購買招標文件。招標文件每套售價為2000元人民幣或300美元,售后不退。
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